The Do's and Don'ts of Preparing for CUET Online


As the world continues to adapt to the new normal of online learning, many universities and educational institutions have also shifted their entrance exams to an online format. One such exam is the COMMON UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE TEST (CUET), which is now being conducted online. This has led to the rise of CUET Online coaching classes, where students can prepare for the exam from the comfort of their own homes. However, preparing for an online exam requires a different approach compared to traditional classroom coaching. To help you ace the CUET online, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind while preparing for it.


1) Familiarize yourself with the online platform: It is crucial to be familiar with the online platform that will be used for the CUET exam. Make sure to attend any demo sessions or practice tests provided by the coaching class to get a feel of the online interface and understand its features.

2) Create a study schedule: With the convenience of studying from home, it is easy to get distracted and lose track of time. Create a study schedule and stick to it to ensure you cover all the topics and have enough time for revision.

Also Read: IPM Online Coaching

3) Take online mock tests: Practice makes perfect, and taking online mock tests will help you get accustomed to the online format and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure to analyze your performance and work on improving your weaker areas.


1) Procrastinate: With the flexibility of online learning, it is easy to put off studying until the last minute. Avoid procrastination and start preparing for the exam well in advance to avoid any last-minute stress.

2) Rely solely on online materials: While online materials are a great resource, do not rely solely on them. Make sure to refer to textbooks and other study materials provided by the CUET online coaching class for a well-rounded preparation.

3) Ignore your health: It is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health while preparing for the CUET exam. Make sure to take breaks, exercise, and get enough sleep to stay focused and energized.

Also Read: Coaching for CUET in Bhopal


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